Thursday, December 18, 2008


Smaller version of the Macrocosmic Microcosm. This was a work I was commissioned to do some weeks ago. I also added this to my on site gallery to the right.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Macrocosmic Microcosm

These are just a few sections of a piece I've been working on during the semester. The work is much larger than me in height (I'm about 5'8), and the width is probably equal to my height. However, the lines have a weight of .25 mm with only variation in density and pressure. The idea is about relative space/time and how even the smallest intervals will make an overall relationship without using foresight to plan the outcome. I really enjoyed doing this piece, and I find that I am continuing it in my sketchbook just for fun.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

50 creatures: Update